- I made goals for 2010 and have met them early....unexpected
- That I stuck with something for a whole year....unexpected.
- I got a job promoting nuun, which I love and all because of this blog.... unexpected.
- Being an actual nuun sponsored athlete....unexpected.
- People like to read my blog that I vowed to write on at least once a week...unexpected.
- That Jaymon and I would be where we are in our relationship...unexpected. (hoped for, but dubious about)
- seeing direct positive results of the personal growth I have tried so long to make...unexpected
- I am a Hotz now......unexpected.
- That I would have so many friends that are reasonable, down to earth, like minded people....Unexpected. Most are virtual but friends none the less and people that I would like to meet someday. I have never had friends the way I do now. Reconnecting with old friends and finding that they too have grown up....unexpected.
- That I would finish the Des Moines marathon barefoot and finish strong and not crawling.....unexpected
- That Jupiter would be in a great school and in an intensive ABA programming and doing well.....unexpected
I am inclined to say it was a year that would be described by a positive word and not just a curious one however it doesn't fit all of them. The positive that has come about has certainly come at a price but I have just done well at going with the flow and had help from my love when I was paying the price or when the going gots rough.
That I am fairly mellow these days and yet full of sass and as of today feel balanced.....unexpected. Maybe because I ran 10 miles today and felt pretty good but maybe its because I am balancing life well.......unexpected.
Ryders winners are
Kovas @ Midwest Mulitsport Life (purple)
Leah @ Chasing Atlanta (white)
It turned out that they both chose differently so they get the choice in shades that they posted on comments.
Don't forget to sign up for my other giveaways and do check the sidebar for fellow bloggers giveaways too!
Hi there!
Yeah, and Yeah to both kovas and Leah! Both rockin' peeps!;-)
and love your reflections...;-)
I just saw that you are from Des Moines. I grew up in Omaha, NE so we were "neighbors"!
Congrats to Kovas and Leah
I love that about life...some of the best things that come from it are unexpected or unplanned for. Sounds like you've had a good year! 2010 has been filled with a lot of challenges that I've never faced before...my first running injury that kept me from running a marathon I trained SO hard for, adjusting to being a stay at home mom and giving up my job, feeling lost and unplugged in, etc. So my word would be "challenging" if I had to choose one. but I love how my challenges have all led to better and more wonderful things in my life! They have helped me grow and start new things (like my blog) that I would never have seen myself doing...unexpected things. :)
Love this. One word huh, I'll have to think on that. The first word that comes to mind is control, but I'll think and post Saturday. I love the "unexpected" post.
I think you were Hotz before, but that's just me. As a wise man once said, Expect the unexpected.
Good post. One word 2010 - bittersweet.
sometimes the unexpected things are the best. my one word 2010 - satisfying
Unexpected but all good!
I love that things in life, in general, is unexpected.
I love that all of your unexpected things turned out to be for the best. And balanced is a good place to be. One word is almost as hard as six!
I think "unexpected" about sums it up... :)
Yay! Thank you so much. And congratulations on such an unexpected and successful year!
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