Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Barefoot Running Book giveaway!!!

"If you want to win anything-a race, yourself, your life-you have to go a little berserk"
~Dr. George Sheehan~

This giveaway is now closed!! Thanks to all who entered!!

Ultra Runner and barefoot runner extraordinaire Jason Robillard sent me a copy of his book The Barefoot Running Book to give away.  I love my copy and was going to pass that along however I highlighted so now I must keep it!
  You have seen the articles floating around about barefoot running and I bet you have heard of the book "Born to Run".  There is a lot of excitement about barefoot running  and you have probably seen the increased advertisement of minimal or shoes that give you the feel of going barefoot.   Now is your chance to check out a book written by a  barefoot ultra runner.
(I have mentioned it before!)
  So,why would you want to try barefoot running??? Here are some common reasons that are mentioned in the book.
  • Do not enjoy running,looking for something to make it fun
  • Strengthen your feet
  • Reduce injuries
  • Inspired by books such as "Born to Run" by Christopher McDougall
  • Reminiscent of childhood
  • Don't like the feeling of sweaty, smelly socks and shoes
  • Long-time runner looking for new challenge
  • Want to run in a more natural way
  • Simplifying their lives
  I began running because I no longer liked running due to shin splints and chronic back pain. It hurt and it wasn't fun anymore. I couldn't get past 20 miles a week no matter how hard I tried and then would be set back with injuries. My dear husband suggest I run barefoot and I thought he was a nut until he suggested I read  "Born to Run".  BTR was incredibly inspiring for me and gave me hope that I could love running again. I  then searched around for barefoot running groups and came across the Runners World Barefoot running forum.  Which in fact is where I met Jason.  He has been incredibly helpful and has put countless hours into helping others on the forum and then writing this book!

  It is a compact book with an intuitive design to the information delivery.  My favorite part is the section on Jason's guiding principles that I could not agree with more. They have been and remain my core secrets to barefoot success and Jason is able to put those notions into words.
Principle one being the guide throughout all barefoot running                          

  1. There is no single right answer.
  2. You must experiment  and learn from your successes and failures.
  3. Your body is your best teacher.
  4. Patience is mandatory.
  5. Relaxation is the secret to great form.                                                                  
  6. You must enjoy the process.                                                                      
  Jason's unique sense of humor spikes the book with giggles such as when he suggests competitive break dancing as a form of cross training during the transition period from shod to bare.

  Jason breaks down the levels of experience into  Pre-running, Starting to run barefoot, Intermediate barefoot running and advanced running. He then introduces the major theories of that section, addresses issues or problems that might arise and also suggests activities that will give you practice and some fun!

  Jason even had the foresight to add a section on Hecklers.  When trying something new we put ourselves in a place of vulnerability and this is often why people do not try new things to begin with. In the book are some things that others have done and said when faced with skepticism or negativity as well as curiosity!

You can purchase a copy of Jason's book at his website Barefoot Running University and he also has a blog at Barefoot Chronicles.

Here is how you can enter to win a copy of "The Barefoot Running Book"!
Leave a comment for each.

  1. Become a follower of this blog.
  2. Go to Jason's blog and check it out.
  3. Become a fan on facebook.
  4. Have you tried barefoot running? Will you try it?  Tell me your thoughts on it. (you can answer one or all but say something about this crazy thing that I love to do so much!!)
  5. Link up from your blog, tweet, facebook status update, one or all but make sure to comment for each.
This contest will run until May 19th and then a winner will be chosen using Random.org and then announced on the 20th


Anonymous said...

I follow Jason's blog so I check it out every time he posts. Good stuff.

Anonymous said...

I am a follower - go me!

Anonymous said...

I run both barefoot and shod. I was up to five miles barefoot until my foot surgery, but hopefully will soon be able to start running unshod sooner rather than later and start building up my mileage again.

Barefoot running gives me an additional sense of freedom that I absolutely love.

martin said...

Step 1: check! I just found your blog through facebook and I'll be following you from now on.

martin said...

Step 2: check! Also following Jason's blog

martin said...

Step 3: check! Liked on facebook

martin said...

I read "Born to Run" last fall and immediately purchased a pair of Five Fingers and started running in them. Since then I have run a half-marathon, a 15K, and a handful of 5Ks, all in the Five Fingers. I have tried running barefoot as well by shedding the five fingers for a mile or two at a time in my training runs. I really enjoy the feeling of being in touch with the ground that barefoot running gives me, even beyond what I feel in the Five Fingers. My goal is to run my next race barefoot!

martin said...

Step 5: check! Posted facebook status with link to your blog.

martin said...

Step 5: check again! Tweeted about you: http://www.twitter.com/wittersworld

Junk Miler said...

Alright, fine. I'll give this barefoot thing a try.

My reasons for running barefoot have evolved. I started out wanting to avoid injury, later I just hated hot feet, now I'm in it for the money. Gobs and gobs of money. I charge people $1 to see the soles of my feet after races. I'll be in Forbes in no time.

Miriam of Filly Runner said...

I'm now a fan of Barefoot Running University on Facebook

Miriam of Filly Runner said...

I'm already a follower

Miriam of Filly Runner said...

I've run with my vibram five fingers before, and fully barefoot at the track, but I have yet to try fully barefoot on the road. I'm hesitant because I live in the country. I have to be able to jump into the bushes at a moments notice because of texting drivers. I run on trails that have nails on them (see today's blog post). But I do want to strengthen my feet. And I always admire the fully barefoot runners.

Miriam of Filly Runner said...

I checked out Jason's blog and am now actually a follower of his. Especially because he had some posts about ultramarathons.

Miriam of Filly Runner said...

I linked your giveaway on my facebook page http://www.facebook.com/pages/Adventures-of-a-Filly-Runner/113676538665941


You are linked on my sidebar!


I became a FB Fan!


I checked out Jason's blog and I am totally bummed that I missed a chance to win his book on his FB page. You should have told me about this sooner!

Ashley said...

I am a follower and would LOVE this book!

Ashley said...

I'm a fan of Barefoot University on facebook!

Ashley said...

I have tried barefoot running, but only on grass. I loved it, but am scared to try it on concrete around town. I think a track may be my next surface of choice to experiment with barefoot running :-).

Ashley said...

I visited Jason's blog :-).

Ewa said...

I've been following Jason's blog for some time now. Love his posts on RW forum too.

Ewa said...

Oh, I am putting the giveaway link on my blog page.

Ewa said...

I am a believer in barefoot running. As I am coming off my injury I am quite sure barefoot running will help me heal faster. I just need little flashlights attached to my feet for running before sunrise. Does Jason have any advice on that?

Stephanie said...

I'm questionable on the whole barefoot running, so I think that is why I need to read this book. I don't know much about it, but it sure sounds like it hurts!!:)

Anonymous said...

oh i love your blog! thank you for coming to mine :) what a great giveaway! i have never tried barefoot running but never say never!
happy wednesday!

Julie said...

Hi Angie,
Yes, I am a follower:)

Julie said...

I will link you in now:)

Tammy Hassenpflug said...

Found your blog very interesting. I too am a barefoot believer. Great giveaways you have. I missed the Chia seed one, just reordered to fill my Chia stash. Can't wait to try the new Bikila's from Vibram. Have a store holding a pair for me when they get them in. Anyway, nice blog. Going to try and create my own.

AshleyR said...

I'm a follower!

AshleyR said...

I've been to Jason's website many times!

AshleyR said...

I became a fan on FB.

AshleyR said...

I'm actually doing a little bit of barefoot running each week. I'm hoping it will help me with my IT band problems. So far it is helping me learn to shorten my stride. After I'm done with my big races at the start of june I'm hopefully going to switch over to complete barefoot and minimalist shoes. This book would be such a help to me.

AshleyR said...

I added the give away to my side bar on my blog. http://adventuresofrunningmom.blogspot.com/

Anonymous said...

I've been running in my VFF since February and working my mileage up. I've got to about 5 miles in them now, anything longer I revert back to my Mizunos. I have yet to race in my VFF and have a dislike of gravel trail tracks, though I will pick my way through them and be full of relief when I hit roots and dirt again.

Anonymous said...

I've been running in my VFF since February and working my mileage up. I've got to about 5 miles in them now, anything longer I revert back to my Mizunos. I have yet to race in my VFF and have a dislike of gravel trail tracks, though I will pick my way through them and be full of relief when I hit roots and dirt again.

Anonymous said...

I've been running in my VFF since February and working my mileage up. I've got to about 5 miles in them now, anything longer I revert back to my Mizunos. I have yet to race in my VFF and have a dislike of gravel trail tracks, though I will pick my way through them and be full of relief when I hit roots and dirt again.

Anonymous said...

Oops, sorry about the triple post. Kids were climbing on me and causing havoc. Been following your blog for a while, but I think I just sorted out the Google bit to add myself as a legit follower.

Anonymous said...

Yup, I'm a FB fan too! ;)


Anonymous said...

... and I swiped Ashley's FB link comment and shared it onto my FB too!

Re the VFF running again, one added bonus is that I'm definitely liking not having to wash or match so many socks up in the laundry anymore!

Sarah said...

i'm a follower

Sarah said...

i know jason's blog too

Sarah said...

liked on facebook

Trish said...

I'm a follower!!

Sarah said...

i'd like to try barefoot running. but i haven't yet. maybe this summer...? we'll see!

Trish said...

I'd like to try barefoot running, but I have many questions. So... I hope I win ;)

Trish said...

You're linked on my sidebar!

Trish said...

I'm now a follower of Jason's blog too!

misszippy said...

I'd love to read this! Since I just won your last giveaway, however, I'll just buy one from Jason!

Junk Miler said...

Wow, you've got over 50 comments of people saying "I'm a follower." Barefoot running is SO a cult. Don't forget to send $$$ to anyone with "Barefoot" in front of their name. I take PayPal.

Bethany + Ryan said...

i'm a follower!

Bethany + Ryan said...

i have tried barefoot running a few times. i'm running my first barefoot 5k at the end of may. My good friend just ran his first barefoot marathon. i ran the last 2 miels in with him. he had a blood blister the size of a golf ball sticking out of the side of his foot. Rhode Island doesn't have the best streets for barefoot running. i will continue to run barefoot but nothing like my friend

Bethany + Ryan said...

i went to Jason's blog. so cool! i will become a follower, thanks

Ashlei said...

Just got a pair of VFF's and trying to learn to run in them. So different! Would love the book though to learn more :)

Lynette said...

I'm a follower!

Lynette said...

Checked out Jason's blog... Will be following that one too =)

Lynette said...

I'm a fan on facebook too.

Lynette said...

I'm a barefoot runner. I started hearing about VFF's, got myself a pair and have been running in them for almost 6 months now. Couple weeks ago a ran a 20k trail run in the VFF's and had a blast. I plan on slowly working to completely barefoot, but since I mostly have concrete to run on I'm taking it slow.

Lynette said...

Posted on my facebook page.

KovasP said...

Now following your blog, feel free to reciprocate if interested. :)

KovasP said...

Checked out Jason's blog, and became a follower!

KovasP said...

FB Like

KovasP said...

Have not yet tried barefoot running, except chasing my kids around our yard, but plan to very soon. Reading McDougall's book made me want to try it and now that spring is here, it's getting warm enough to get out there!

KovasP said...

Tweeted giveaway

Margothere said...

I found your site through a friend, and have decided to give it a try on my treadmill to start. I used to run, and am wondering if this will make a difference in my abused body - hips, knees, one ankle, one foot. I am starting slow (I am very, very out of shape - after three runs so far so good. I'll consider moving it outside in June.

Katie said...

I follow you on blogger

Katie said...

I became a facebook fan (katie murphy)

Katie said...

I have not run barefoot yet, but am anxious to try. I have been plagued with injuries lately. I have been told I need "more shoe, more shoe, more shoe", but all it does is cause more problems. I am so ready to shed the shoes and try barefoot!

Katie said...

I checked out Jason's blog and follow!

Unknown said...

I am a brand new follower!!

Unknown said...

I checked out and am now following Jason too--So excited!!

Unknown said...

I am moving toward a more minimal style, I am in Nike Free's and I love them, I have ran about 1mile barefoot! I am planning on getting Vibrams mid summer and moving to those. I also want to start throwing in barefoot miles and runs when I can!

Unknown said...

Became a fan on FB!!

Unknown said...

I tweeted!! Too and I @ you in the tweet, but your link to twitter on your blog is Null! Thanks!!

Miriam of Filly Runner said...

I posted your giveaway in my blog's sidebar Filly Runner

LB said...

im a follower :)

LB said...

fan of BU on facebook

LB said...

following jason's blog too

LB said...

i have not tried barefoot running (well since i was a kid anyway) not sure if i ever will but i am certainly intrigued by it and would like to learn more about it. it always amazes me to see barefooters or people in the vibram shoes

madeline said...

I'm a follower now! On my Google Reader :)

madeline said...

I just visited Jason's Blog, it's great having access to someone's own personal experience with barefoot running, and ultramarathons too!

madeline said...

And I've played around with the idea of barefoot running, especially since its popularity and fans have risen. I've love to take a look at this book and maybe it'll inspire me to go bare on my next run! If anything, I always think how much I'd save on not buying running shoes anymore :)

The Boring Runner said...

follow follow

The Boring Runner said...

I'm a SUPER fan of yours on FB

The Boring Runner said...

I ran a half mile a while back barefoot - then all of my caluses fell off of my feet! so, I haven't been brave enough to do it again! :)

Unknown said...

I linked to the giveaway this morning! http://www.fitthisgirl.com/2010/05/pom-wonderful-bbq-curry-sweet-potato.html

Rie Rie said...

1. Become a follower of this blog. - check!

Rie Rie said...

2. Go to Jason's blog and check it out. - check!

Rie Rie said...

3. Become a fan on facebook. - check!

Rie Rie said...

4. Have you tried barefoot running? - once, just on the treadmill for a few minutes. I will do another short run there today... gotta start small, right?

Margothere said...

1. Following the blog √

Margothere said...

2. Checked out and following Jason Robillard's blog - dig the "barefoot running form on treadmill" video. √

Margothere said...

3. Yep, I'm a FB fan. √

Margothere said...

4. Already commented here about barefoot running on 5/6. √

Margothere said...

5. Wrote about and linked from my blog < http://greenblueseven.wordpress.com/ >

Margothere said...

5. Tweet √

Stacey Jehlik said...

I started a combo of BF and VFF running in summer of 09, after running my first marathon in the spring and then trying to overcome a case of plantar fasciitis that crept in during marathon training. I've beat the PF (yippee!) and now am trying to beat another nagging ankle pain - but I *will* win! My next goal (aside from healing, first and foremost) is to qualify for Boston. I turn 40 this week, and am very much looking forward to running healthier this next decade (unshod or minimally shod) than I did the last (fully shod)!! I've really been enjoying your blog, thanks for posting!


mamakat7 said...

I've been thoroughly enjoying my barefoot journey so far and hope to spread that barefoot love anyway I can. The more knowledge and resources I have backing me up the better. I'd love a copy :)

LB said...

i posted in my weekly recap

Unknown said...

I follow your blog.

Unknown said...

I am a fan on Facebook.

Unknown said...

In the future I would be willing to try barefoot running, however what I am doing now works well for me. I am interested and read what I can about it, but not just yet.

Unknown said...

I follow Jason's blog.

Unknown said...

I tweeted your giveaway.

Paige (The Last Doughnut) said...

I am a little intimidated by barefoot running. I've never tried it. I do wear very minimalist shoes though. I think reading the book would help me feel more confident about trying it!

Marny said...

Yay! I've been wanting this book. I am a follower.

Marny said...

I also follow Jason's blog.

Marny said...

And I'm a facebook fan

Marny said...

I am working on becoming a barefoot runner. Haven't got much past walking on the trails, but I now do all my treadmill workouts barefoot!

ikkinlala said...

May Canadians enter? I checked out Jason's blog - lots to learn there!

ikkinlala said...

I've been a barefoot hiker for years, but I've just recently gotten interested in running. I've been trying it, but I haven't gone very far yet.

Brooks said...

I am a fan on Facebook!

Brooks said...

I am a reader of Jason's Blog :)

Brooks said...

I first tried barefoot running in January on a "warm day". It was far too cold for that. I have been running in VFF's for a few months and I love every second of it, but I do plan on transitioning out of the VFF's and into my naked feet soon.

Jes said...

I am a follower =)

Jes said...

Question on barefoot running - I want to try it so badly because I have always had problems whenever i try to run... I hate the feeling of shoes on my feet all the time. I am regularly barefoot at my desk (i shower in the AM so this isnt an issue! haha) and i would love to try it... soon! I think i might invest in some VFF to start out and make the transition...

Junk Miler said...

Jes: There's no such thing as transitioning. If you wear vffs without any barefoot running experience, at best you'll learn how to run if vffs. Worst, as has happened to many runners, you'll break your metatarsal bones.

Find a nice, semi-rough (or very rough if you want to learn quickly) surface, take off your shoes, and figure out how to run in a way that doesn't hurt your feet. And by "run" I mean 12-15 minute mile pace. Don't worry, you'll get faster (I've got a 20:02 5k and a 1:36 half marathon barefoot, after a summer of rarely going faster than a 10 minute mile pace). I've got a couple of videos that people say are helpful here: http://www.barefootjosh.com/?page_id=125


nrmrvrk said...

I follow this blog. Yay!

nrmrvrk said...

I went to Jason's blog and checked it out. (and now follow that as well) Pretty good stuff.

nrmrvrk said...

I'm a fan of Barefoot Running University on Facebook as well.

nrmrvrk said...

I have not yet tried barefoot running. I'm most of the way through Born to Run. I've read quite a bit about barefoot running online and follow a few other BFR bloggers. I'm trying to find the time to get out to my local cushioned track to try to start acclimatizing my feet / legs to barefoot running and see how it works for me. I'm incorporating short forefoot striking intervals during my regular runs.

nrmrvrk said...

I mentioned this on a Facebook status update.

nrmrvrk said...

I tweeted this as well.

Apryl DeLancey said...


Staci said...

Just starting to run barefoot, after 8 months of pain in shoes. Thrilled to find a site by a girl - for the girls. Also signed up to follow you.
Thanks, Staci in Johannesburg, South Africa

S Club Mama said...

I became a facebook fan

S Club Mama said...

I have never tried it; I'd be a little nervous of stepping on things (small shards of glass, nails, dog crap) - I'm not always an observant runner lol

Anonymous said...

I am a follower of your blog, Jasons blog, and a fan on FB!

bobbie said...

Now a fan on facebook

bobbie said...

Haven't tried or even thought about barefoot running, not sure my feet could handle it

bobbie said...

Tweeted it

bobbie said...

Posted it on facebook

teameldo said...

Yup I'm a fan.


CreaDescuentos TM said...

Am now following your blog!

CreaDescuentos TM said...

Following Jason´s blog aswell!

CreaDescuentos TM said...

Have become a facebook fan!

CreaDescuentos TM said...

I am now running exclusively barefoot (ditched the minimalist shoes!!) but still a beginner.
Going to see Barefoot Ken Bob on June 4th at one of his workshops, very excited :)

CreaDescuentos TM said...

And finally, linked up from my twitter account. Cheers!

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