There were 37 entries and the lucky number was 3! AM-Goals for the week was the lucky entrant. This awesome lady just finished the Lavaman Triathalon in Hawaii! She is an inspiration for sure!
SHe said on her comment:
Hi;-) My hubby and I were just talking about what books we want to read on our vaca, and on the top of his list is Born to Run. We'll have to look for it at the airport;-)
oh, and I've been a follower so that counts for the cool giveaway;-)
Did you read the book on the vaca? What did you think? Email me and I will get your info over to the people at ChiaSeedDirect so they can ship you your 2lbs of chia seeds! I do hope you like them and that they fuel and nourish you and your family well.
Other giveaways coming up soon. Cliff shot blocks, WHooha Gear $20 gift coupon, Barefoot Running books, Run Like a Mother book, nuun hydration stuff this giveaway business!
Don't forget that Friday April 2nd is World Autism Awareness Day. Please wear blue in honor of those with autism and their mommies like me!

Nice! I lurves me some giveaways. I need to have another one here soon.
Congrats to AM! Enjoy those chias!
Aloha~ Thank you for hosting the giveaway!
Lookin' forward to trying them out;-)
thank you!
oh, and I'm stoked too as this is my first giveaway win! woo-hoo;-)
Woo hoo for Anne Marie:) Congrats!!
Congrats AM--you're having a great week!
that was a good giveaway...looking forward to the Whooha gear!
Congrats Anne Marie, enjoy the chia seeds :)
Congrats to the winner!!!
Lucky one! How fun!
Thanks for the reminder about wearing blue!!!!
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