In my quest to heal myself I have learned many things. First off my illnesses stem directly from my inability to deal with stress effectively. I stuff it instead of letting it go. It festers and changes me from the inside out. In fact if I would have stuffed something else wink wink I would have had the added hormonal help to cope with said stress.

So what do I do for stress relief? Well I can't run every day and I can't run any time I want so although it's a great stress reliever on many levels it's not enough. There needs to be balance and many back up plans.
In no certain order of course.....
- Keep the flora friends happy. I drink kefir and kombucha. An angry painful digestive system is stress inducing. keeping my bacteria friends happy keeps me happy. I also eat a diet that is low in processed foods. yeah this one is always on "those" lists but for good reason. It works.
- I talk to my superhero husband. This one is hard for me. I assume too much and share too little and it has to change. Calmly talking and not just about the things that stress me but because I need to nurture our relationship.
- Swear like a sailor. This blogging thing takes up much of my life in that it fills my mind with so many what ifs. I have stacks of reviews and feel like I am not free to say penis on here whenever I want because I am in some imagined barefoot rat race.....fuck it. it's my blog. I have forgotten what is important to me. An eff bomb keeps the urge to throw things at bay.
-play with the spawn. Taking care of others is a sure fire way to happiness. I am not religious and yet it has nothing to do with religion just humanity. A smile or hug or a book read will make both parties happy. Two for one.
- I do yoga. Nothing formal and I so wish that I could go to a class a couple of times a week (i have never even been to a yoga class other than the y when the lady was teaching out of a book in front of her.....) but for now it's my living room and swinging
on the monkey rings to add to the stretch.
-ORGASM EVERY DAY. shocking? It shouldn't be but I will have to go squeeze one off again after writing this just to deal with the stress of talking about orgasm! Jeesh.
Thank you mother and church for the heaping dose of guilt but I am rising above the guilt one naughty thought at a time and my mind has transcended the smallish thinking to embrace my humanity. Whether with my love or alone every day it is and I am working to embrace this. we joke openly about men rubbing one off but not a peep about the ladies. why is that? It's a complicated societal issue that regardless of the answer as to why, is assinine.
check this video out if you need some added weight to the argument that an orgasm a day keeps the stress away. Oxygenation of the brain and a squirt of oxytocin? Yes please!
Don't worry it's not porn (unless you are a geek of course)but a video titled A Brain Symphony and is MRI imaging of a female brain during orgasm. Every region of the brain is lit up with activity!
You know what to go do now.....
Location:Des Moines Iowa
you go girl! Squeeze one off, I've not heard that one before.
This is one of those posts that make me love you a little bit more. Miss you. :)
Oh how I connect with this post on sooo many levels!!
You are so awesome Angie! I mean that.. I could never even utter what you wrote.. yes I'm quite conservative, but you are right!
That cracks me up. I'm like you. This blog shit is for us...the people who write it. Sure some companies might not like it when or if we tell em their stuff sucks. But I wont change for them. If they don't like it maybe they should squeeze one off to release the stress that my blog caused them. I Just couldn't resist.
OK. So I'm willing to over-share a little for the cause...
Hell yeah! Why DON'T women talk about female masturbation??? Its a perfectly natural and pleasurable thing to do, not to mention women probably do it more often than they like to admit. I know I do. And damn it, I shouldn't feel guilty for it. I've finally gotten to a place in my life where I don't really give a shit what other people think anyway so long as it doesn't hurt others (and I'm still working on this) but it would be nice if women were in a place to start talking, sharing and joking around about "doing the dj". You know? We could share notes. I'm sure there's different styles and "tools" and all sorts of fun stuff we haven't even thought of. Look at how much more liberating it could be!
And, btw, I love the term "squeeze" one off cuz that's me. I'm a squeezer. I don't really "do the dj" so much as I use the power of my quads and glutes to literally "squeeze one off" as you say. Which is why all this strength training has been extra bonus for me. ;-)
I think I've over-shared, but I'm OK with that. If it opens discussion, great. If not, you just got to know me really well. Ha!
I love it, you go girl...
As for me I stress about the big problem of the world and my country, I stress because the answer is so easy and the fools at the top can't see it (maybe they need an orgasm or 2!!). Climate Change, Poverty, unemployment, Education, conflict can all almost be 'fix' by one simple thing: Family Planning.
Thanks for your willingness to be open and share. The world is a better place today because you gave us permission to say Yes, gals do it too.
I love orgasms. Anyone who thinks otherwise isn't doing it right ;)
speaking of which....
added benefit (scientifically proven!) the more sex you have with your spouse, the happier and more connected you'll feel. get some mama - way to stand up for the big O!
I hear ya...wish men would, too:)
a girl after my own heart. F bombs and a perfectly appropriate description with "squeeze one off" Brilliant. I too am a big fan of kefir and my digestive system is usually the first to show the signs of stress, just wish I had the will to lay off processed foods. Thanks for the post, super awesome.
TIL what "do the DJ" means. Took some Googling, seems obvious now.
Thanks, ladies.
You said it like it truly is. Stress can play nasty games with our mental pictures. When our perceptions of the world become dark and gloomy it's time to reevaluate what we are doing.
What works? From yoga, to kombucha, all the way to the lip biting sensation of an orgasm, we release that inner tension and continue to live naturally happy and alive.
Thanks for the post!
I love it! And I wholeheartedly agree. Men have so many more orgasms than women - that's probably why they're typically less easily stressed out! And BTW - I like a review better if it's got a few F-bombs in it. Truly.
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