
Friday, July 15, 2011

Five for Friday

  The heat and humidity is sapping the creativity so I will partake in some alliteration for a boost of inspiration.
Five for Friday as I understand it is a random list. Cool, I like lists in particular random ones.
    • I was certified this week as a VIVOBAREFOOT barefoot running coach.  I was taught, tested, and certified by the brilliant Lee Saxby.  You can download his free ebook  "Proprioception, Making Sense of Barefoot Running." Good stuff!   So now I am working on getting my coaching page made and getting the word out there.
      •  Its not news per se but all of my spawn are happy, growing, playing, climbing trees, running, and having some summer fun!
        • I planned an Iowa Chapter of the Barefoot Runners Socitey meetup for Saturday July 30th at 10:00 a.m. Anyone and everyone is welcome!  We are meeting at Mullets Bar and Grille at 1300 SE 1st here in Des Moines.  The plan is to run down the paved bike paths to Grays Lake and back to Mullets for a sitdown.
        • Go Vote for my barefoot buddy Josh Sutcliffe at Refuel with Chocolate milk.  He could win a $250 grant.  That could buy a few race entries and some chocolate milk for recovery.
        • Its hot. Very hot.  Drink your nuun.  go to  My favorites are Grape, Strawberry Lemonade, and Lemon Tea!  If you use the code we both benefit since I am part of the affiliates program so go help a girl out by saving some money!!

        As an aside there is still have a little more time to enter my Sony Walkman MP3 player giveaway.  2 winners!


        1. I would go barefoot running just for the beer at Mullet's bar afterwards!

        2. I emailed them about doing that.. haven't heard anything :( Not sure if I will. I hear you on the Nuun.. I've got to really get myself hydrated.

        3. You are going to be an AMAZING coach. Congrats.

        4. I wish we'd met up AFTER your class. I've got something going on that I bet you could totally fix...
