
Sunday, July 17, 2011

iFitness Ultimate II Running Belt review and GIVEAWAY!!


 I have tried other running belts and they were ok and allowed me to carry my stuff but I would sweat through the pouch just about every time.  The Ultimate II Running Belt by iFitness is awesome. 
It is a neoprene pouch with an additional small pocket for MP3 player or phone.  It has 4 gel holders and race bib holders so no holes from safety pins in your shirt or skirt anymore....or shorts or kilt.  This is not just for the ladies.  Its a sports belt for anyone and everyone.

  The pouch is water resistant so this sweaty girl doen't have the option to ruin her camera!  I carry contact cards, a baggie with some baby wipes, my phone, camera, and a key. I wear my belt for every run.  Inevitably if I leave my camera at home I will see something along the way that is photoworthy and I regret leaving it at home.  So I take my camera with me on every run just in case.  I also always take my phone.  Usually the spawn are being wrangled by either the oldest son or my super hero hubby so I like to always be reachable when away.
I can squeeze one nuun tube in the loops and have room enough for a few gels.   I have not really tried to fit a bunch of gels into the pouch with my camera yet but plan to eventually on a long run where I am not as supported.
 There is no bouncing of the belt and it doesn't feel tight.   It just stays put.   It's hard to believe I know but I tell you true, even with so much tucked inside it stays put and is easy to access your stuff.  

iFitness has offered to give one of you an Ultimate II Running Belt!  They come in several colors.  As you can see from my belt I chose the blue and  black.  There is also pink, orange, purple, and yellow zipps.  You will get to choose the color you like best.

Here are the rules and as always leave a separate comment on this post for each thing that you do.  You are free to do one or all of the options for entry.
  • Like iFitness on facebook..  This is a great way to stay up to date on other iFitness giveaways.
  • Follow iFitness on twitter.. again this is a great way to stay up to date on other giveaways.
  • Like my facebook page
  • Follow this blog.  If you already do then comment to let me know.
  • Link this giveaway up through your blog, facebook, tweet, email, whatever social networking way you like to spread the word.  Remember, leave a separate comment for each that you do.
  • What do you carry with you on a run, bike, hike ect?
You have one week to enter.  So on Sunday July 24th I will choose a winner at random using
Good luck!


  1. Hey Angie,

    I have done all the things listed in you blog now. :)

    Liked I fitness...

  2. Following iFitness on twitter...

  3. Am already following your blog...

  4. posted the giveaway on my own facebook page...

  5. ...and last but not least: I carry either a camelbak podium chill hand-held bottle with me that has a little pocket that just about fits my phone and keys. For longer runs or when I need to take more stuff I use a Nathan trail mix belt because it has a larger pocket and bungee cords to attach more stuff. That way I can take my camera and other bits and pieces comfortably and still carry the same volume of hydration and have my hands free at the same time :).

  6. I carry a handheld camelback, my spibelt with my camera and phone. some gels, toilet paper, and chapstick.

  7. I liked iFitness on Facebook! Great giveaway, lady! :)

  8. i liked your ifitness facebook page

  9. I carry a camelbak(it's too hot and humid in GA), with my iPhone and wallet in it.

  10. posted on twitter about this giveaway.

  11. I follow your blog (and really enjoy it)! Right now I use an arm band for my iphone (which is only ok) and I have been looking for something else.

    Barefoot/minimalist running for about a year, though winter is hard.

  12. Also, just liked your facebook!

  13. I always have a viva paper towel because my nose runs so much. My phone sometimes along with gels.

  14. linked to my sidebar of my blog

  15. this looks great! I already follow your blog.

  16. reposted on my FB - as you know ;)

  17. I just carry my phone, keys, asthma meds and umm.. maybe some rice krispie squares. (usually shoved down the front of my running tights) Yeah I am that classy!

  18. Liked iFitness on FB

    No Twitter stuff for me

    Liked your FB page already

    Blog follower already

    Linked giveaway on FB

    What I carry - I used to carry a hydration vest but recently have started carrying 2 handheld bottles. Not much room to carry stuff which is why I'd like to try this belt out.

  19. I shared this on Google Buzz! (Google +)

  20. What do I carry on my run? Water and a smile :)

  21. I follow IFitness on Twitter - mrsrudyjax.

  22. On a run in the summer, I always carry the Flexr water bottle. It has a pouch where I can put a few gels. If I'm running a half-marathon, I carry a belt from another company (it tends to move around and doesn't hold that much, so I'd love to try this one).

  23. Liked on Facebook!

  24. I usually take myself, my iPod, and my RoadID.

  25. I follow iFitness on twitter as @stickyprints

  26. I usually carry my cell phone for safety, and I have ended up using it a couple times when I went out for a run and ended up feeling sick and couldn't finish, so I could call hubby to pick me up.

  27. Id like to invite everyone to read a blog post today of a woman who joined the old order Mennonite church from the outside. I'm extremely lucky in publishing her very first, and most likely last post on Amish Stories. A lot of work was involved in her getting permission to be even able to write anything on the internet, and permission was given by her bishop. So please stop by and read about a woman who gave-up her car and other worldly possessions for the person that she loved. Richard from Amish Stories.

  28. i carry too much when i run! I carry a water bottle, cell phone and car keys...every matter how short! ;-)

  29. I am now following iFitnessInc on Twitter

  30. I continue to like your FB page

  31. I continue to follow your blog regularly (thanks to Google Reader!)

  32. Lately, I try to carry as little as possible... usually just a granola or Sharkies for a snack, sometimes my phone, and either my car or house key, depending on where I am running from. With the hot weather, I also have to carry a water bottle. Besides what I carry, I always have my RoadID, and frequently wear my Garmin FR 305 (but not always.)

  33. I would LOVE a belt like this for running. I'm always stashing things in funny places and let me tell you...GU doesn't starts to rub ya the wrong way, eventually!

  34. I have linked to your giveaway on twitter

  35. I always carry my phone with me.

    However when I head out to a trail, I also need to carry a key.

    Just this morning as I am on the last 500 m of my run I pulled my phone out of my waist band and stopped dead in my tracks as I could not find my key.

    Now this trail is in NW Ontario Canada where cell service is not taken for granted. To make matters worse, I was the only user of this trail system all morning (which was good in one since because any one rounding the bend in the trail would have seem me standing in the middle of the trail with my arm deep down in the crotch of my compression shorts where I finally found my key hanging out with my, well you know).

    Needless to say, I'm in the market for a good running belt. If I don't win this one, I think I'll be ordering one online.

  36. I started following iFitness on Twitter.

  37. I Tumblr'd the giveaway, which posted to Twitter and Facebook.

  38. I just carry a key, some change, and a cell phone in my iFitness belt. It'd be great to have another one so I don't have to keep carrying the belt to work, I can just leave it there!

  39. what do i bring? freaking everything... i am such a boyscout. would love a belt. i either wear a pack on my back, stuff the handhelds with junk or have a waist pack. bottle holder but don't like the this sounds interesting. hook me up Bee!

  40. I follow on Twitter as well.

  41. I almost always have my iFitness belt (but it doesn't have the gel holders or bib taps) and a handheld. I usually have my phone, gels, baggies, ID and anything else I might need in my iFitness. Sometimes I carry a camera too.

  42. I'm exploring belts right now, so I'm in... liked iFitness on FB.

  43. I'm following them on twitter... eggs. Ha!

  44. You know I like you on FB, girl...chickens.

  45. and follow this blog already...bees.

  46. and now everyone knows about it via my FB page... beer.

  47. Usually I carry absolutely nothing with me on runs up to 8 miles. I prefer the freedom of nothing but know I better get used to carrying stuff.

  48. I liked iFitness on facebook.
    (When I run I sometimes wear a 10 year-old fanny pack with a fraying zipper so I can carry my HD Desire, which has a GPS tracker.)

  49. Have liked your facebook page, Angie Bee.

  50. I subscribe to your blog via google reader.

  51. i linked up on my blog

  52. i currently carry a SPIbelt on all my runs .

  53. Followed iFitness on twitter.

  54. already like your facebook page. AND YOUR FACE!

  55. already following your blog. like a stalker.

  56. On my long runs I carry my wallet, my phone, and a key. I just ordered my sportkilt, though, so I expect less room for such things.

  57. I follow iFitness on Twitter.

  58. I linked this giveaway on Facebook.

  59. I tweeted this giveaway on Twitter.

  60. I linked this giveaway on my blog -

  61. 6 miles is my longest run to date, so I don't carry anything with me, although if I drive to go running I need a place to stash my key.

  62. When I'm out running, I wear my ShoeID from RoadID.

  63. I always wear my road Id and my garmin I would really like a place to put my phone

  64. I carry my ipod and that is about it--unless it is a long run. Then I carry water bottles in my hands.

  65. I am so sad that I just found your blog!! I would have loved to enter giveaway! I have wanted one for a while! But I will be adding your blog to my list of must reads! Looks great!

  66. is the ultimate running belt bulky as compared to the other ifitness belts?
