
Saturday, May 28, 2011

life is so busy it gets in the way of blogging

  After my New York City/Mind the Ducks trip I have had a hell of a time blogging. There just doesn't seem like enough time in the day and with less time it also means less creativity. I still have not blogged about my trip or all that I learned and now there is a virtual pile of reviews and new exciting things to blog about.  This is where I jump in.

  The very short version..... I took a trip on a train to New York City stopping off in Chicago and Washington DC.  In DC I met up with Miss Zippy and MCM Mama both fellow bloggers and barefoot runners.

I stayed in Brooklyn and commuted up to Manhattan Chelsea Piers Blue Streak sports complex for a barefoot running coaching course for 5 days.  I was invited to the class by Terra Plana VIVOBAREFOOT and the course was taught by the amazing Lee Saxby.

  You know those anatomy books with the vellum pages that each have an overlay for the different systems of the human body.  Each page adds a layer of complexity to the image before it.  In short, that's what this class did for my running. It added layers of complexity that I had previously not know existed. Now I am working on being certified as a coach and still have some homework to get done to get said certification. Three guinea pig before and after videos and I am set.    We are working on making our own weighted bars instead of shelling out over 30 bones for a silly weighted bar.

  I fell in love with NYC the minute I looked at her.  It was truly love at first sight and by the end of the day after class and then wandering around with my dear friend Tina (thanks for the use of your write up!)   I was either studying or basking in sweet fatigue that comes from happily challenging and busy days.

  When I first was invited to do this coaching course I wasn't sure how it would fit in my life however I saw a significant potential in it and knew that I would see more direct possibilities as time unfolded.  I am quite happy with myself and my foresight!  I usually find it difficult at best to predict the future or to trust that things will make more sense later down the road.  Now I see coaching as a tremendous opportunity that fits right in with the rest of my life.  I keep getting better at it and want to continue to learn.

email at angiehotz (at) gmail (dot) com

Nuun is for all movers and groovers and this form of movement coaching is too.  So that I love....
Right before I left for my trip to NYC I was promoted to Midwest Sales Manager  and have been working hard to spread the nuun love in the Midwest.  The Midwest is a big area!  I just got back from a trip to Kansas to our home town and managed to stop by several stores as well as get some new companies on board selling nuun.  It is never hard to sell something I believe in and how cool to be able to effortlessly combine work and play!

 Dam to Dam 20k is next weekend.   This will be my 3rd year running Dam to Dam!  Any one else running it?  I will be practicing Running Smiley!!  Have you heard of the Run Smiley movement?  Check out the collective here.

VIVOBAREFOOT Neo review as well as Somnio Nadas and Mondetta tank and skirt review all to come soon!


  1. I so would love to coach! You are so incredible! I loved NYC too. I lived in Brooklyn and went to college there for a few years.(mamarunsbarefoot)

  2. Oh, you were so close to me! In that group shot you show above, you can see across the river the path that I have so often run barefoot on (with a view of the skyline from my side)!

    How exhilarating that you were doing something so barefootedly interesting right across the way!

  3. Your so right you get so busy with life and it hard to kept up with blogging. Congrats on the Coaching, that is awesome. Hope to see you at D2D. Your trip sounds like you had an amazing time. The pictures are great.

  4. Sounds like you had such a great time! Have fun next weekend!

  5. Sounds like a great time. Wish I had been at MTD's to see you. I am already planning for next year - let's keep our fingers crossed.

    Thanks for promoting "Run Smiley". I am so glad you are on board - you know are essentially a co-founder; without your inspiration I am not sure we would have progressed from "talking" to "action". I am not sure what will happen, but I am looking forward to finding out!

  6. "I fell in love with NYC the minute I looked at her." The only possible way to fall in love! ;-) if you want to come visit, you know who to call!

  7. I'll bet it was amazing stuff that you learned! Glad you have found your path.

    Looking forward to the Somnio review, also. They look pretty nice (from the pics!)

  8. Sounds like your career is going from strength to strength, good on ya!

  9. Look forward to your posts, however they might come. Life can be crazy!
    Your trip sounds as though it was sensory bliss, glad for you. Also, many congratulations on the promotion, you seem like a wonderful ambassador for Nuun.

  10. Oh, Angie, how exciting! I am so happy for you that you got to have this incredible opportunity and experience.

    Congratulations on the promotion, too. ::hugs::
