
Monday, August 16, 2010

Snorg Tees review and giveaway! You don't want to miss this one!

his giveaway is closed!  Thanks for participating!

  Yesterday was my long run. I did 15.84 barefoot miles.   Back on track for marathon training!!

  Pretty uneventful run I suppose and when talking long runs that is a good thing.   One thing I noticed as I was going along my wonderfully shaded route was that there were leaves on the ground.  Now, I know cotton woods are one of the first to leaf out in the spring and also one of the first to shed them in the fall but really, come on, where did this summer go. I could smell the fall.  Just faintly but I think you know what I mean.

Last year here in Iowa it was a cold and snowy winter.  It snowed right at the first of December and the snow stayed on the ground, literally, until March.  This year I am planning ahead.  Actually I have been planning for the impending doom of this winter since the first day of spring.

Some things I have thought about are winter footwear, Vitamin D supplements, traveling lightly to get away from the snow (foreshadowing of upcoming sweet giveaway here), indoor activities like going to the Y to swim with the kids often, and hoodies.  Lots and lots of soft comfy hoodies to snuggle in!!
Last night it was actually cool enough to wear a hoodie!  
Snorg Tees sent me a hoodie of my choice and they are giving you the chance to win a T-shirt of your choice.
The irony of this shirt just cracks me up!   It was a really hard choice between the Mixed Martial Arts and Crafts graphic since the hubster is an MMA fighter and trainer!
  Its a classic hoodie that has the front pocket, draw string hood, and super soft and snuggly on the inside.  Its a unisex size and mine is a size medium and I love the fit.  The sleeves are nice and long as well as the waist which are usually issues with me finding good fitting sweatshirts.

Here is a bit about SnorgTees from their site.
SnorgTees got its start back in May 2004 when our group of friends decided that we weren't meant for a real job. We got our options narrowed down to international jewel thieves or internet t-shirt tycoons. Since it was the middle of the summer, we weren't able to find enough ski masks, which left t-shirts as our only option. Fast forward a few years and we've grown to the point where people mistake us for an actual business. We've even shipped a shirt to NASA. That means space. So technically we're a universal company. But we are still just a group of friends who run Snorg because we enjoy it. 

Here is how you can win your choice of  Snorg Tee shirt.

  • Be a follower of this blog and make sure and comment for each thing you do since I will use to choose the winner based on the number of comments
  • Head over to SnorgTees and tell me which one cracks you up!
  • Post a link about this giveaway on your blog, tweet, facebook, whatever but leave a comment for each one.
You will have until Monday August 23rd to enter and I will announce the winner on Tuesday!   Cheers my friends!


  1. 15.84 miles - you are awesome.

  2. LOVE leaves and crisp air and apple cider and hoodies and all things FALL! Bring it on. :)

    I'm a follower!!

  3. I am cracking up at those designs/slogans. I think I love the smore design best. So cute.

  4. smile if you're not wearing undies. [Sorry I'm childish]. ;)

  5. so.many..BRB, cataline wine mixer, milk father, funner...can't choose....

  6. I love the 'Why are you waving' one!

  7. I'm a follower! I like the "Zombies hate fast food" one. haha :)

  8. My husband and I say "Clever Girl" all the time, so probably that one. Or WWNPHD, because we love How I Met Your Mother!

  9. Holy cow that is a lot of choices, but I think I like the armed rock-paper-scissors the best.

  10. I posted this on my blog.

  11. oh em gee! 'take me to bed or lose me forever' teddy bear (jim and i both sleep with our childhood bears still...) or the jesus "BRB" one. yes i am a holy roller, but i also love tongue in cheek religious humor. so many good ones... i hope i don't win, cause i don't know how i'd choose. many of them had me laughing out loud

  12. I would want the "I support recycling, I wore this yesterday" shirt or sweatshirt.

  13. I'm a follower.
    These are so funny!

  14. Totally love the zombies don't like fast food. DH makes random jokes about zombies and night of the living dead all the time!

  15. Nice run! I actually noticed some leaves on the ground myself, to be honest it made me sad. I love summer, and I love the heat! But Once I get over the fact summer is over, fall is beauitful. Winter I could do without, forever!

    Good luck on your training!

  16. And there are too many funny shirts to count! But I think my favorite of the moment is "I only like NY as a friend"

  17. 15.84 miles barefoot, you are a barefoot Goddess, so impressed.

  18. Being a newbie barefoot runner, the leaves on the ground worried me because I couldn't see what was under them. But the smell was nice.

  19. you ARE amazing...I'm glad to hear you're back on track!

  20. Congrats on your 15.84 miles!
    Fall cannot come soon enough as far as I'm concerned! it's my favorite time of the year.
    I'm a follower.

  21. I LOVE "HIP HOP anonymous" boy loves hippos, but think I'd go with "Communits have no class" 'cause it cracks me up

  22. I would have a difficult time choosing but I'd probably go with the Thesaurus tee.

  23. I think I like the smores running one.

  24. I posted a link to this on my blog.

  25. I looove cozy hoodies in winter!

  26. I really like the hedgehogs one, as wells as "Metaphors are like analogies". Heh.

  27. I am a follower! Way to go on the almost 16 miles. That's what I had this weekend too.

  28. I like alot of them, but think the PB and J is so cute. That's what I usually crave in the middle of the nights after long runs.

  29. Those are awesome.... OH and congrats on the 16 miles!

    Umm I kind of thing the one that says smile if you are not wearing underware is funny.

  30. Hooray for 15.84 miles and getting back on track! Glad you're feeling better. Hooray for fall too! As much as I like summer, I love fall! Oh, and I'm a follower. :)

  31. I think maybe I don't really want to win, because I can't decide which shirt I like the best just to tell you which one I like. If I had to actually pick one out to get, I'd really be in trouble... that being said... I like "zombies", "free lemons", "hedgehogs" and "little brother's get luigi"... plus many, many more.

  32. Linked you on my sidebar. I guess maybe I do want to win. : )

  33. I love so many of tees! My favorite, though, might be the one with the dinosaurs that asks why the dude is waving when he should RUN!

  34. I posted a link on my blog to the giveaway.

  35. so many cracked me up. it would have to be between the elephants never forgiving and the "i lost an electron. are you positive?" shirt. so corny and i love it!

  36. i added your contest to my blog.

  37. I go with the almost 16 miles! Glad you're feeling better.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. the tees were all pretty funny, I like the one about keeping the lemons!!

  40. I'm a follower

  41. I really like the adult mutant ninja turtles shirt

  42. "Whats up Cake"
    "muFFIn Much"

    ahhhhhhhhhhhhh ha ha ha I love it

  43. P.S. I lost your email :(!!!! Send me another Please, then I can send you my addy for some HK love?! Maybe another Reeds box your way? Send me yours toO!

  44. I like the Why are you Waving tee.

    hewella1 at gmail dot com

  45. Very impressed with the barefoot miles - yay!!!

    I am a follower!

  46. I liked several sayings, too funny. I'd have a hard time picking...but I'd have no problem in the end :).

  47. Don't say the W word! Please stay summer!

    I'm a follower

  48. I like the "If life gives you lemons" tee

  49. I like the "I have not yet begun to procrastinate" shirt!

  50. I'm so impressed at the distances that you run barefoot!
    I'm a follower, obviously :)

  51. Ok, I spent like 3 hours on the first time I saw it, so there's no way I could pick a favorite....but I think I'd say
    "That's what she said" because we try to make a point to use the phrase as much as possible where I work!

  52. I'm a blog follower :). My favorite is the donut that's chasing the hole that says "You complete me", but all of these shirts are totally cute :).

    Amy Lauren

  53. The electrial on where there is a guy holding a fork to an outlet saying i'm a professional. It makes me laugh because my boyfriend is an electrician

  54. I am of course a follower and wannabe Angie-ette. :-)

  55. First off their about blurb is sooo funny.

    Okay, I Like Turtles was MADE for me!

  56. Not another entry (I'll be back when I get your linky post up) but I totally get the smell of fall reference. I've noticed it the past couple morning and evenings. I am not sure I am happy about it. It seems to sneak up on us.

    Great long barefoot run!

  57. Get real be rational makes me laugh. i'm a nerd.

  58. I love the "That's what she said" tee :)

  59. I love the zombie fast food shirt! Thanks for the giveaway!

  60. I like the shirt "If Life gives you Lemons KEEP THEM hey they are free"

  61. I'm a new follower!

  62. I'm particularly partial to the "Thesaurus" t-shirt.

  63. Gosh, pick just one??? The "be rational" with the math symbols is good.... so is the break glass in case of zombies.

  64. I'm having trouble deciding what one I like best, but i do like the be rational one

  65. I like the "It's okay Pluto. I'm not a planet either" design.

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. I like all of the math shirts and the dinosaur shirts!

  68. Now I expose all my former nerdiness. I LOVE all the math t-shirts!

  69. I love "If you can't be a good example, be a warning" LOL

  70. i tweeted:

  71. Okay... reposted on my blog and FB, and if you give me a minute it'll be on twitter too...:)

    Fantastic tee's they are on my christmas wish-list..:)

  72. I love love love your blog and am a follower-love the shirts. Your 15 miler was awesome! :)

  73. I like a ton of the shirts!! I think zombies don't like fast food was my first "like" as I perused-but so many more are on my list! :)

  74. Angie BEE, your Snog Tees are terrific! What a wonderful time/laugh I had going through them all!!!!! What a sense of humour you gals have! My two favorites...hard to choose just one!...are: 'Moo...I'm a Cow' and ' Free Hugs'. With four children, I sometimes feel like an octopus giving out my free hugs. (We are all quite big on hugs in this house!)
    Thank you for this giveaway!

    terrymac1a at hotmail dot com

  75. I follow your blog (new)

    Think that I will really enjoy it, now that I have been introduced to your great sense of humor!

    terrymac1a at hotmail dot com

  76. I blogged about your giveaway on my FB page with a link back.

    terrymac1a at hotmail dot com

  77. I'm a public follower of the Blog

  78. The "Someone is Reading My Shirt" T shirt cracked me up quite a bit haha.

  79. Tweeted

  80. Sorry I forgot to leave my email in the last post about following you (daidai89[at]gmail[dot]com)

    I like the "that's what she said" shirt xD

  81. I tweeted your giveaway from @cleanpalate! =]

  82. Have added you on my blog Angie. Keep up the good work :)
